The Paharakeke family making the MÄori language their main reo - NZ Herald

Montana Karena lost her reo in mainstream schooling. She's determined her kids won't.
Heretaunga Marae Waakainga collected news and archive.
Montana Karena lost her reo in mainstream schooling. She's determined her kids won't. Keep Reading
Huge mix of talent named as Waiata finalists Keep Reading
The activists who helped create and deliver the historic 1972 Māori Language Petition are still fighting for te reo to be compulsory in schools nearly 50 years on. Keep Reading
Above-ground water storage has proved to be "challenging" for Central Hawke's Bay Keep Reading
Te Awa o Te Atua Reserve on the Longlands roundabout is home to more than 50 different varieties of harakeke (flax) and 1200 plants. A taonga for local... Keep Reading
Head of DHB visits testing centres to thank them for their efforts. Keep Reading
#MENTALHEALTH Clearhead, a Kiwi digital mental health company has today launched its translated te reo Māori website to better support Māori mental health Keep Reading
A virtual event to announce the winners will be held on October 9th. Keep Reading
We need to explore innovative and creative ways to achieve equity. Keep Reading
MÄori Party wants many more MÄori place names in place by 2026. Keep Reading
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: Hawkes Bay - Tehei kahungunu, Author: NZME., Name: Hawkes Bay - Tehei kahungunu, Length: 8 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2020-09-14 Keep Reading
The five councils of Hawke’s Bay have collaborated to fly bilingual flags to celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori Māori Language Week . The bilingual flags, ngā haki reorua, can be seen proudly flying in locations in Wairoa, Napier, Hastings and Central Hawke’s ... Keep Reading
One of the last few remaining members of the Māori Battalion who saw action in Italy, the Middle East and Japan has died. Keep Reading
Raun Makirere-Haerewa was always involved in sports, but he never considered turning his passion for exercise into a career. Of Ngāti Porou and Cook Islands descent, he left school early,... Keep Reading
The first full picture of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the drought shows they have contributed to one of the greatest economic shocks Hawke’s Bay has seen.However, Hawke’s Bay is in a better position for economic recovery than... Keep Reading
#SHARE Dr Sandy Adsett is a visual artist and a teacher. He's mentored hundreds of students. Reporter Kirsty Babington explores how perceptions to Māori... Keep Reading
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: Hawkes Bay Today - Tehei Kahungunu, Author: NZME., Name: Hawkes Bay Today - Tehei Kahungunu, Length: 8 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2020-08-31 Keep Reading
The annual Civic Honours Awards ceremony was held at Functions on Hastings Friday night, recognising those who have gone above and beyond in their contribution to the Hastings community. The event was held adjusted to be in line with Level 2 COVID-1... Keep Reading
It's almost a fairytale ... unbelievable." These were the words of Auto Super Shoppe Hastings Rugby and Sports flanker Fale Matamata after he scored two tries as his team beat Taradale Rugby and Sports 22-16 in Hawke's Bay's Maddison Trophy premier... Keep Reading
#INVESTIGATION Hundreds of horticultural sprays are used widely here in Aotearoa and long term studies into their effects on health and the land are few... Keep Reading
Whānau claim that horticultural sprays are affecting their health and wellbeing. Orchardists say they do everything possible to keep the community safe.... Keep Reading
All three work with rangatahi at risk of long-term unemployment. Keep Reading
Just 12 houses of a promised 200 that are meant to get homeless people in Hastings out of motels have so far been finished. Keep Reading
An order to save $9m in Hawke's Bay over the next two years may result in cuts. Keep Reading
New Zealand's first indigenous co-housing community is among projects that will benefit. Keep Reading